Thursday, August 28, 2008


Had my first yoga session today. I've resisted it over the years even though people told me yoga would help me breathe better. They were right.

I learned to breathe in several different positions today. And, that little Tai Chi position that I learned so long ago at St. Anne's during a Lenten meditation series - wow, my yoga teacher opened it up and refined my version of it so that I can clear my throat and my mind and get my body ready for bed or for morning.

She's also a healer. Thanks be to the Goddess chickie.

I haven't learned all that terminology yet; so you won't be hearing words you can't pronounce associated with positions that this human body isn't meant to achieve. But, you can bet I'm going back next week. And, I'm practicing my new Tai Chi position/movement every day.

1 comment:

Forsythia said...

Good for you. People have always been telling me, "You need to be in a yoga class." Maybe someday.