Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thanks be to God

The ocean is beautiful, and worse things could happen than waking up to the sound of waves lapping along the beach. However, the condo looks as if a cyclone had hit it with all the open boxes and things strewn around. Not that I care this morning. We have paths around the stuff. The beds are clean and fresh; the sofa is accessible; obviously the computer is set up and working again. We can get to the refrigerator and the trash can. What more do we need?

I've been thinking about types of spirituality and how different types of personalities gravitate toward one type or another (or more than one). I know a little (verry little admittedly) about several different types of spirituality, and I know that I wander among them - some fitting at one time and some another. I've used lecto divina (sp?), meditation, centering prayer, discernment prayer, music, silence, art, scripture repetition, memorization, sleep, floor scrubbing, knitting - all kinds of things to help me focus on being or being with God.

Today I'm so tired that I just think I'll let God seep into whatever parts of me that are open. The hectic time is over; rest time is here. In spite of this being Tuesday, sabbath time is here. The ease of the ocean waves erases my anxiety. I need nothing.

thanks be to God.


Saint Pat said...

I love the sound of the ocean. I should get over there to it more often. The smacking sound, as water hits the shore, and the shussing sound, as it retreats,gets into my head and knocks loose all the junk. It brings release and tranquility.


Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Wave counting is a great practice... some might say spiritual.

Whatever you do, have a good and enlivening shabbat, whenever you have it.
