Sunday, November 11, 2007

Renovation Update

Yesterday and today, I moved the fountain from the deck to the workshop carport using the riding lawnmower and its little cart. We spent the night last night at the house, staying in the only room with furniture and thoroughly enjoying being "home". Of course, we had no hot water; so baths were out of the question. Our only heat was a ceramic heater which did a fine job of raising the temperature to 70 degrees before we turned it almost off for the night.

The sheetrock is up and will probably be finished tomorrow. Then we will prime the walls in the kitchen before the cabinets go in this week. The flooring may be laid the last of the week - depends on how much more the sheetrock people have to do.

This is the living room where we removed two fake beams and some wallboards around the beams to open up the cathedral ceiling. Our sofa will be on this wall with the kitchen on the left in the picture.

This is the kitchen, and you can see where a broken window in the sunroom is covered with plywood and will be replaced soon. Cabinets are in and should be installed this week.

This is my desk space, and I've found a wonderful lighting consultant who will work with me to design the lighting for my study/workroom. I will need some good lighting to do all the work I need to do. I just won a few bids on eBay - gosh, that is addicting!!!!

Next I'll be taking pictures of the deck that my partner is replacing - well, she's doing the flooring, and she's painting the thing to match the house. Maybe I'll get those pictures later this week when I go to work...or to therapy on Wednesday.

1 comment:

PseudoPiskie said...

Looks like you are making progress. Yea.

The guys are coming tomorrow to start on the garage itself. They will have to work in rain, I'm afraid. I can't wait.