Monday, January 14, 2008

As I straighten my study

I picked this up from Knitting Novices Yahoo group and have adapted it to fit me:

Craftaholics Anonymous
12 Step Program
Newly Revised to 13 Steps
Original © 2001 by Shirley Thomas @

1. I will not stuff craft supplies in every corner of my house.
2. I will not keep nine projects going at one time.
3. I will not buy more yarn, beads or fabric, even if they are on sale, until I finish the projects I have.
4. I will not let my study/work room look like a junk yard.
5. I will not confiscate the dining table or the sofa for crafts.
6. I will not attend craft (bead, yarn) shows or shops just to pick up more ideas.
7. I will not buy more storage carts for my craft stash.
8. I will not spend all that I make working at the yarn shop before I leave the shop.
9. I will not check every day to see what's available on eBay.
10. I will not stay up half the night crafting.
11. I will not save dryer lint, toilet paper rolls, detergent scoops, old shirts, pretty magazine pages
12. I will not buy every craft magazine I see.
13. See you at the yarn shop (bead show).


Cynthia said...

That hits close to home. I've got too many bags of yarn in a closet, three crochet projects yet to be finished, and a lot of beads, with a project yet to be started.


Judy Vaughan-Sterling said...

I could add to my own list: "I will not blow off meetings at professional conferences to take a cab to a needlepoint store in a tropical downpour with high wind."

My boss still can't figure out how I got soaked going from one meeting to another!

Janis Bland said...

Yep. Whist I waited for my prescriptions to get filled, I whiled away the time at my stamp/scrapbooking/paper arts store. Only spent $3. Amazing.

Nina said...

Only nine?